The most expensive luxury phone company Vertu partnership with TCL

The most expensive luxury phone company Vertu partnership with TCL

We can not be sure, but the upcoming Vertu Smartphone can create TCL, which will become a luxury company one month before the partnership with luxury phone makers. However, we guess we'll learn more about the upcoming device of Vertee in less than a day.

The UK-based company was revived after the luxury phone maker Vertu paid its bill and its employees last year, and now it wants to bring China a very expensive smartphone.

China's media recently received a return invitation for a launch event on 17th October. It is a black and golden gorgeous invitation customized by virtual logos. Information about event time and location, as well as clothing codes.

Also, once you open the invitation (in Chinese), "Live or Die" and "England's Handmade" tagline are open once two pop-ups are open. Later, the bride has been advised to continue the luxurious phone, but at the moment it is very short mysterious for us.

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